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DM integrated with Digital Technology

The explosive increase in the prevalence of diabetes mellitus in resource-strapped regions of the world demands innovative solutions in healthcare. Advances in information technology, diagnostics and food technology have the potential to make diagnosis and treatment of diabetes simpler, cost-effective and patient-friendly. Newer methods of glucose testing such as the ambulatory glucose profile promise to […]

CVD integrated Digital transformation

Studies have evaluated the impact of the use of digital health technologies to improve CVD outcomes through several modalities: text-messaging programmes, smartphone applications (apps) and wearable devices. Text-messaging programmes are to date the most studied type of digital health interventions, and studies have demonstrated reduced CVD risk and improved medication adherence. Literature supporting the use […]

Non Communicable Diseases with Digital Technology

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines non-communicable diseases (NCDs) as chronic conditions of long duration resulting from a combination of genetic, physiological, behavioral, and environmental factors.1 Nearly 63% of all deaths can be attributable to NCDs, making this the leading cause of mortality in the world.2 While more than 36 million people die each year due to […]

Healthy Today

Transform community health by championing patients, value and quality.

Healthy Tomorrow

Cultivate educated, empowered youth leaders

Healthy Together

Convene people, organizations and communities to thrive.


Foundation of Life Care has been formed formally by a group of dedicated & committed friends who stayed home & abroad in the year 2021 .when some like-minded friends decided to do something by taking on challenges to fight against poverty, poor health and hygiene, and climate, etc to make a difference by nurturing new ideas and initiatives. These members remain the true champions of our work towards the SDG Goals. Member’s foundation of life care is well settled in their occupation/Profession. Foundation will run charitable activity primarily in Pabna through committee for service delivery, research, communication accounts & other charity activities.

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